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HAPPY FEET – Fitness for your feet


Happy Feet relieves and soothes tired and abused feet and improves blood circulation. Once in position, the muscles relax and circulation improves. Ideal for pain caused by tight shoes, high heels or prolonged standing.

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Relieves the pain caused by tight shoes, high heels, or simply because you have been on your feet all day long. The toe revitalizers ease tired feet, hammertoes, bunions, plantar fasciitis, cross toes and poor circulation. Once in position, your muscles relax and circulation improves. A miracle ! Just slip them on the toes and feel the effects of the HAPPY FEET.


Rub the HAPPY FEET gels with our Balm to ensure they adjust comfortably to the shape of the foot. Relax with your legs up for 10-30 minutes per day. Repeat every day.